Authors: Dr. Mark Cucuzzella (NRC) & Nick (Wear Tested Gear Review) The content in this article should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider regarding your individual health needs. This article was originally published on Wear Tested Gear Review. As we age, bone density naturally decreases, leading to weaker bones…
Category: Dr. Mark’s Desk
From the desk of Dr. Mark Cucuzzella…
My Message at The Metabolic Revolution
On The Mall Washington DC October 13 2024 The first-ever rally for metabolic health took Sunday October 13 in Washington, DC, on the grounds of the Washington Monument. Organized by a new group called the Metabolic Revolution. This was our message to the nation and policy makers: -The next President develop policies to address the…
At 15 years, Freedom’s Run still a Message for Community Health
“The knowledge that the physical well-being of the citizen is an important foundation for the vigor and vitality of all the activities of the nation, is as old as Western civilization itself. But it is a knowledge which today, in America, we are in danger of forgetting.” — President John F. Kennedy President Kennedy’s words…
Curiosity and Wisdom- Meet Dr. Lawrence van Lingen and Rethink Your Running
Today we share the story and wisdom from my amazing friend Dr. Lawrence van Lingen. Lawrence has emerged as a fresh light in the complex maze of figuring out how to restore movement and heal chronic running injuries when athletes are in the well of “there is no hope”. This recent article gives some background…
Lost Boy- Conquering Hikings Triple Crown and Type 1 Diabetes
Today we share the amazing story of Alex Hoffman (Trail Name -Lost Boy) who is hiking the Triple Crown in a calendar year. What makes Alex’s story even more amazing is that is he achieves this goal he will be the first person with Type 1 diabetes to achieve this goal. As a physician caring…
Never too old to set a World Record! Meet Janet Hughes
Today we introduce you to the amazing Janet Hughes who is a local runner in our community. Janet unknowingly set a world record in the age 85 plus for the mile last year. In the same meet she set the US record for 800 meters. So if you think you are too old to set…
For Ben Payne- Running is a Lifelong Joy …not Pain
This week we share the story of USAF Lt. Col Ben Payne- Running Strong, healthy, and happy at age 42. Congrats Ben on an amazing run at the 2024 Olympic Trials Marathon 34th place in 2:17.05. Lots of carnage out there on a hot Orlando day but you got the job done! …………………………… Ben we…
Balance Your Running with Jae Gruenke- A Master of Movement From Dance to Running
Is a privilege to share the wisdom of my friend Jae Gruenke. I have learned so much from her over the years and I’m still intrigued by her video analysis of elite runners and how she can break that down to help you. Enjoy this brief interview and go to her site for more ….
NRC Pop Up Store is OPEN
Get your holiday gifts here! Shop early and support the NRC. Our online shop is powered by Printify – everything is handled by our expert e-Commerce partner including fulfillment and customer service. Please email me any suggestions or feedback (nick at on how we can make it better for runners. Merchandise or designs you…
A Story of Hope- Claire Rivas Is Now A Healthy Young Lady!
…..And Could Probably Take You In A 5k😊 Today I want to introduce you to the amazing story of Claire Rivas. Claire is an 8th grader at South Middle School in Martinsburg West Virginia. Like many children in our state and country Claire was dealing with medical obesity which would have greatly impacted her health…
Jim Hennigan HURT to HURT
Today I introduce you to Jim Hennigan who is a founding member of our Harpers Ferry Ultrarunning Team (HURT) and just finished the epic HURT 100 in Hawaii. Jim is an inspiration to anyone who wants to restore their health and accomplish some crazy goals. Jim finished two back-to-back 100 mile runs this fall and…
Back to the Future -WVU Medicine partners with Virta Health to address the colliding pandemics of Type 2 Diabetes and Covid
Reversing Diabetes- The Beginning of Virta Health and West Virginia Connection In Spring of 2016 two pioneers Sami Inkinen and Dr. Stephen Phinney visited Jefferson Medical Center and our community with a bold idea of reversing diabetes 100 million patients worldwide. Their company was to be called Virta Health. They choose our community to share…
Conquer Your Demons- The Story of Brandon Doughty’s Return
“Drop the Type A. Find the Joy”- Brandon Doughty after qualifying for the Olympic Trials in his first race in almost 3 years We share the inspiring story of one of our very own- local Jefferson County WV runner Brandon Doughty. I got to know Brandon during his years at Jefferson High School where I…
U.S. News and World Report Diet Ranking: Missing the Methodology & Metabolism
Dr Mark Cucuzzella and special guest Dr Nicholas Norwitz Key words: metabolism, therapeutic carbohydrate restriction, low-carb, keto diet Friends, many of you have seen U.S. News and World Report (USNWR) diet ranking for 2021. This year, there were 39 diets on the list. The ‘Keto Diet’ came in second to last place overall, and in dead last…
Today yes another sad day in US food policy. The 2020 U.S. Dietary Guidelines Reject Recommendation to Cut Sugar and tighten restrictions on saturated fat, while at the same time the country gets heavier and sicker. Over 70 percent of Americans are overweight and 42 percent are now obese. This is the majority of the…
A Mother Owned Business, NASA, and the Quest for the Perfect Jacket
“We choose to go to the Moon,” Kennedy said. “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one…
Speed For Life – Dr. Robert Bowen
Today we share an amazing story from good friend Dr. Robert (Bob) Bowen who shares a passion for health, fitness, longevity, and living the vigorous life. Robert has strung together one of the most amazing streaks I have heard of which is running your age in seconds in the 400 which started at age 52. …
West Virginia Pediatrician Doing Low Carb before Low Carb was Cool
It is a privilege to interview Dr. James (Jamie) Bailes who is legendary in our state of West Virginia relentless in his fight for scientific education and policy surrounding pediatric obesity while at the same time treating 100s of children in the most obese state in the nation. Jamie has been using low carb for…
Harpers Ferry (Backyard) 100 Miler- A Race of Pandemic Proportions
Today we share the fun adventure of local runners Paul Encarnacion, Mark Peyton, Jeff Fiolek, and Josh Binder who created the Harpers Ferry (Backyard) 100 . This is a creative and adventurous response to the Covid pandemic which took place Novemember 21–22 2020. Thank you all for answering the questions in the interview! What’s your…
Rim to River 100 Mile and the Second Mountain
I’ll start this blog trying to answer the question of why did I sign up for this. Well it’s been a rough year in many ways. I have worked like a dog at work not having taken a vacation day since before Covid in early March. I have been struggling also with some personal issues…
Reflections of a Race Director in Covid Marathon- Sadness Laced with Hope
Yesterday was to be our 12th Annual Freedom’s Run. It was a beautiful day. Here are a couple fun pics of a few of us out on the course. Even some inspiring signs 🙂 We hope to be back next year . Sharing an article I wrote the end of August when we announced…
Beth’s Story- Obesity and Meds to Healthy Athlete!
Meet my friend Beth Maconaughey who will inspire you. Beth has gone from a medical patient on 10 meds and 330 pounds to healthy runner and athlete. Beth has lost over half her body weight and just finished a 50 mile run/bike challenge. Thanks Beth for sharing your amazing story of hope and perseverance. …
Global Running Day 2020 ‘Out of a mountain of despair, a stone of hope’
Global Running Day June 3 2020 When jogging in DC I like to stop at the memorials and read. Circling the Tidal Basin a couple years ago I took some time at MLK Memorial. This quote stuck with me. A good story linked here w video. ‘Out of a mountain of despair, a stone…
Breaking Two Project Harpers Ferry Half Marathon 2020
Breaking Two Project Harpers Ferry Half Marathon 2020 Running friends it’s been a rough year. I’m getting old and having trouble breaking two hours in the half marathon. You know I’ve been reading and writing a lot about these magic cheater shoes and originally was skeptical. It went against my deep minimalist inner faith. So I…
TRT applies the “Hammer” but support small business online and local delivery
NRC Readers this post was shared to our community Mar 22 . The next day the Governor applied these restrictions to our state. It is the right thing to do. Stay well all and keep running outside. At Two Rivers Treads we have decided to do what we think is right for our community and…