As readers of Chris McDougall’s article on natural running two weeks ago in the New York Times know, the secret of good, injury-free running form is rooted in the past — going barefoot or doing this simple drill called the 100-Up Exercise that was invented in the late 19th century by a very fast miler by the name of W.G. George whose record for the distance — 4:12 — lasted several decades. Chris provided a short instructional video on the Times website to demo the basics– a minor and major exercise. The simplicity is breathtaking. But does the drill actually work? Will it improve your running form? That’s what Justin Ownings at Birthday Shoes wants to know. So he started a website called Hundred Up and is seeking volunteers. The site offers more details about the exercise. Clever idea. We hope it pans out.
I developed a problem with my calf training for the Atlanta Marathon. I rand the Marathon and have not run without pain since. At present I’ve stopped running. I up for anything that will help me run pain free.
McDougall’s NY Times video left me feeling that he is a bit of a huckster. He described heel-strike running in an incredibly distorted manner that has no anchor in reality. A heel striker has virtually the same step length as a mid-foot striker, not the comical step that McDougall acts out. It made me wonder what else he exaggerates.
I disagree when I was a heel striker my stride was noticeably longer. my cadence was also slower. My cadence is quicker but with shorter strides now. Some of what anyone says should be looked at with open eyes and a clear mind. Any zelots rhetoric should be scrutinized but sometimes they are right. : )
Hmm, why do those two guys running in the city look like the two slowest runners ever? Seriously, I was waiting for a grandma to stroll past them.
I think people get hurt because they over train. To far, to fast, to soon.
This guy totally exagerates the heel strike of running. Come on now, I can’t believe the minds at NYT are drinking this kool-aid!