“The future of our state’s economy depends on solving the health crisis.” –Delegate Matt Rohrbach at Try This
After 12 years living in my state of West Virginia I can now honestly state I live in a Healing Community.
What is a Healing Community?
- Emphasizes the social context as key component and carried out in public domain
- Community healing is a process, not an event. It is multi-faceted and multi-layered with no set time limitations. Healing proceeds at pace determined by the participants and cannot be rushed
I witnessed the Healing Community of over 500 last week at the 4th Try This WV . I co-directed the Inaugural pre-conference Try This for Health Professionals and with a 150 people from multiple health care disciplines all coming together to share successes and create innovative solutions. Diabetes, Obesity, and Opiates were the main targets and so nice to see technology, food, exercise, and brain sciences all integrating. For as much awarenesss, programs, and dollars being thrown at it, obesity is still undefeated and increasing in the world.
I see patients at the WVU Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Health with the goal of making these problems go away versus “managing” them. ph 304-596-5038
I could not have been more pleased with the collaboration, conversation, and hope.
Read this post from WVU Health Sciences Dean Dr. Clay Marsh on the impact and importance of the community and health and what we can learn as health care workers from the people.
Our local low carb revolutionaries led by Melanie Miller working with friend and colleague Dr. Eric Westman’s Heal Clinics and local running friend and founder of Bros and Bras Kevin Brackens made impact at Try This WV. We welcomed Gary Taubes (who has good taste in shoes) as our keynote to make the case for how we got into the obesity and diabetes crisis and as Gary humbly states: “if I am right in my hypotheses….how we get out of it.” I for one thinks he is right .
Do a quick youtube search on several of Gary’s talks from around the world which cover his 20 plus years of disruptive work in this field. Here is a recent one from Iceland. . Or pick up one of his 3 best selling books – Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It and Good Calories, Bad Calories (The Diet Delusion in the UK), and The Case Against Sugar.
I gave a talk titled: “How Do You Mean You Can Put Diabetes in Remission? Try This!”. Hundreds in my community are trying this now (yes a healthy real food low carb diet) and do not believe as American Diabetes Association states in their 2017 guidelines: “Diabetes is a complex, chronic illness requiring continuous medical care with multifactorial risk-reduction strategies beyond glycemic control.”
Kevin Brackens shared the health and economic impact to local small business of Bros and Bras. We introduced the WV Running Resource Network. Check it out! Middle School running leads Ryan McCarthy and Colleen Farrell also part of this group and shared their free coaches guide. Yes you can be a youth coach. And we even had time to Hula 🙂
My folder with lecture presentations, patient handouts, HEAL care handbook and sample cookbook, and selected reference articles can be downloaded here for FREE. https://tinyurl.com/y8gnjtu2
We want the knowledge and experience to be open access. Too bad the American Diabetes Association does not believe this. Read this disappointing article.
So I close with this quote from Thomas Jefferson “The Field of Knowledge is the Common Property of All Mankind”. Let’s work together to learn from our mistakes and make knowledge grow and advance.
Here are some pictures from Try This 2017!

The slides below show the economic burden diabetes and who can solve it 🙂
Hi Guys,
This looks amazing! So many great minds and dedicated people. Its fantastic to see people taking this seriously. Diabetes is a ticking time bomb for all western countries and now many others.
I work in health insurance and I’m seeing some worrying trends but hopefully with more people like you we (the human species) will prevail!
Great website you have here keep up the excellent work and hello from the UK!