Runners and athletes are often not embraced with a sympathetic ear in medical offices. “Stop running it will wear out your joints”, “you must take this cholesterol medication”, “you need these meds for life”, and other non -evidence based opinions can be imposed on you and you feel in a position of having to argue your point as if in a court of law. It should not be that way and we need to wake up to shared decision making with a doctor who understands the body and mind (yes a bit type A and neurotic at times) of a runner.
Back in early March of this year I was contacted by Yarone Goren, a fellow runner and Co-Founder and COO of SteadyMD. Yarone explained that he is a huge fan of the Principles of Natural Running video, now with almost one million views, and that he has been following what we share on the site challenging much of the dogma around running, health, and nutrition.
SteadyMD is aiming to completely re-imagine the healthcare experience for millions of Americans by partnering folks with a primary care doctor who: A) has time to listen to them and pay attention to them and B) really “gets them” and is aligned with their life.
After we talked, Yarone hopped on a flight from Los Angeles and met with me in Seattle (where I was holding a seminar on for the military) to further discuss how we might be able to work together.

Yarone was looking for help in launching the world’s first primary care practice, completely online, and just for runners. Similar to the practice that SteadyMD previously launched for Weightlifters.
In talking with Yarone, it became clear that we have a shared vision for helping folks address the root cause of illness and disease and enabling regular folks to take ownership and control of their health.
Together we searched for the right doctor to lead the practice, and after interviewing dozens, we recruited Dr. Josh Emdur. Dr. Emdur is a board-certified Family Medicine physician (practicing for over 10 years) and a 2:53 marathoner who shares our vision and excitement in re-imagining healthcare in our country.
In July we launched the practice and began taking-on patients. We have already signed up patients in several states, including some elite athletes and coaches like Neely Gracy, Adam St. Pierre, and Luis Orta who have had great things to say about the service. Just last week Outside Magazine wrote about us
Those of you who reside in CA, NY, TX, FL, CO, NJ, or IL, can click here now to learn more and sign up. Note that you may want to hurry as there are limited spots available. Those of you who live elsewhere can reserve your spot and you will be notified as soon as the service becomes available in your state.
With SteadyMD, you are paired, online, with a primary care doctor who has a limited number of patients and is available to you anytime via text, phone, and video chat. Overseeing and managing all of your medical care. A doctor who really gets to know you, listens to you, and has time for you.
And, of course, as a fellow runner, your SteadyMD doctor “gets you” and your training, nutrition, shoes, running form, and running injuries. In short, you’ll get the dedicated personal attention of a primary care doctor who is expert in serving runners. True preventative care tailored to your lifestyle.
In addition to the running practice, SteadyMD has launched practices for Fitness & Lifting, Strength Training & Powerlifting, Functional Fitness, Triathlon, and LGBTQ. More categories coming soon.
Please learn more and reserve your spot now. We would love to have you as a patient. No long-term commitment is required to get started.